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How to select the fleet: one customer’s journey to an earthmoving feat using compact equipment

拿个人积蓄做赌注, this customer found an equipment solution that cost one-fifth of the possible price and delivered unexpected results.
一个埃德蒙顿, Alberta-based developer has designed and completed the first phase of a unique, 自然, and eco-friendly destination outdoor wedding and special events venue called 黑曜石脊. The entire project was completed with just two compact 小松 excavators, for which 韦德娱乐1946 were instrumental in providing sales and service.
黑曜石脊 2019年9月开业, 多亏了多才多艺, reliable equipment and top service says owner/operator Layson LaFayette.


LaFayette owned 120 acres of undisturbed land just 45 minutes from downtown 埃德蒙顿 and had long-dreamed of doing something 自然 and creative with it.
这个设计是纯粹凭直觉的, and it was important to work with the existing lay of the land: 自然 valleys, 脊, 以及流动和收集水的地区. 道路必须沿着天然的坚硬的地面山脊. 让财产像自然一样流动是至关重要的.

To achieve the desired symmetry, design started at the centre with a stake in the ground. 所有的东西都要在这个中心点上建造, 包括主露天剧场, 水的特性, 通路, 还有一个火坑.

为了方便, 实用性, 和安全, vehicle access was built into the design; to facilitate seniors, 残疾人, and for setting up and taking down activity tents and equipment.


挖掘机 would need to be operable in the open or in confined spaces.
修建道路, 需要一把刀刃, backed up by strong power and good traction offered by at least a total weight of 30,000磅.
For moving boulders, lifting capacity had to be minimum 10,000磅.
For tight-space operations, a zero-swing tail was indispensable.
最重要的是, reliability and dependability were paramount—it needed to start when the key was turned and to run all day with no problems.


LaFayette visited equipment dealers and considered several manufacturers’ models before settling on 韦德娱乐1946 and 小松 excavators. He said the dealer’s Sales Representative was great: responsive, answered his questions quickly and clearly; calling it “a good experience right from the get-go.他还比较了其他制造商. But the system he got from 韦德娱乐1946 “really sealed the deal.”
通过他们的咨询, Obsidian decided the most cost-effective solution would be to first purchase the 小松 PC138 excavator, 后来随着需求的增长, 添加PC88. 这两个单元完全满足了项目的要求.


小松 pioneered the 紧尾摆动 design and has optimized it further with the Tier 4 Final PC138USLC-11. With this excavator you can work in one lane of traffic without disturbing the other lane. 超出了它的紧密摆动能力, the PC138USLC-11 has similar digging and lifting power as most standard competitive excavators. Six working modes and efficient 小松 engine and hydraulic technology help make the new PC138USLC-11 up to 4% more fuel efficient than the previous model.
排放评级: Tier 4 Final
净功率: 97.20马力@2,050转(72.50kw @ 2050 rpm)
最大工作重量: 35114磅(15682公斤)
最大桶容量: 1 yd3 (0.76 m3)
最大挖掘深度: 18′ (5480 mm)



The 小松 PC88MR-10 is a link between small and mid-size excavators. PC88MR-10有一个摇臂, 紧尾摆动, three track options and backfill blade like a small excavator, but is built to have the reliability and durability of larger excavators.
排放评级: Tier 4 Final
净功率: 65.50马力@1,950转(48.80 kW @1,950 rpm)
最大工作重量: 19,290磅(8,750公斤)
最大桶容量: 0.26 yd3 (0.20 m3)
最大挖掘深度: 15′ (4565 mm)



From his experience with the PC138, LaFayette called it “the kingpin.“黑曜石几乎用它来完成每一项任务, 从移动1开始,000卡车的泥土, 然后挖掘三英亩的水景. 这项工作花了4年时间。,000小时, working full shifts because digging a water hole in a low-lying area commands non-stop action.
路building with the blade demonstrated the PC138’s versatility.
LaFayette said it performed “almost like a small bulldozer.” It handily pushed earth deeper than six inches, and hard-packed clay without stalling. 他还称赞了它的重量.

A prominent feature of the 黑曜石脊 grounds is the strategic placement of large rocks and trees. PC138在这方面再次表现出色. 有些巨石重达15000磅. PC138在搬运或滑行时没有任何困难. Occasionally they’d engage the PC88 and PC138 together to lift the larger rocks into place. Ultimately, Phase 1 positioned over 3,000 tons of 自然 rock and planted more than 300 trees.

但这并不是关于PC138的全部. 就其体积而言,PC88也是一台多功能的机器, it was a difficult decision as to which one to sell when the two-excavator need ended with the completion of Phase 1 construction.

Obsidian kept the PC88 because it has the articulating boom, 它更小一些, which is good for tight spaces but still has great lifting capacity. LaFayette said there were so many operations that no other machine could have done.


随着第一阶段的完成,Obsidian出售了PC138. 他们发现它保持了极好的转售价值. LaFayette reported that together with the attractive initial purchase cost offered by 韦德娱乐1946, 差额只有20美元,000 despite the high number of hours accumulated over two years’ ownership. He reckoned that if he would have rented the unit it would have cost them “five times more.”


他感谢SMS设备的坚定支持, 他说:“能得到这样的服务真的很高兴.” That included immediate answers to questions like, how does this work? 有什么问题吗?? 或者排除出现的问题. 



The 小松 PC138 and PC88 excavators along with 韦德娱乐1946’s support proved to be the best solution to Obsidian’s exacting equipment needs. It culminated in the fulfilment of a couple’s unique business vision now ready for its first full season of operations. 雄心勃勃的扩张计划正在酝酿中, but 黑曜石脊 is already booked for every weekend of summer 2020.